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2017 Sustainability Report
published 2018/08/01

VAUDE Carbon Footprint Overview

Every year VAUDE publishes a corporate carbon footprint. Since 2012, VAUDE and all products manufactured at the headquarters in Tettnang have been climate neutral.

Reduce resource consumption and emissions

When resources are consumed through industrial use, climate-damaging greenhouse gas emissions are produced. We have set ourselves the goal of reducing our emissions as much as possible. We compensate for the unavoidable remainder of emissions with a myclimate climate protection project. Read more here.

This page summarizes the most important data and key figures from our carbon footprint assessment. The full document can be downloaded here.

Climate footprint represents the value chain

VAUDE Climate footprint

Internal representation, Source: Climate Strategy Emissions Report,

In the calculation of the carbon footprint, not only all the upstream and downstream processes in the value chain, but also all other greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide equivalents are included in the carbon dioxide measurement. The unit used to measure emissions is CO₂e: "carbon dioxide equivalents".


Decoupling emissions from corporate success

Emissions will never be completely avoidable as long as our global economy is based on fossil raw materials. But thanks to our climate compensation efforts, VAUDE is climate neutral.

It is really an accomplishment when a company can grow faster than its emissions output. This is what is meant by ‘decoupling’.

So we consider it a real achievement that even though the emissions of our Manufaktur have increased in absolute terms, they have fallen relative to the output of produced volume. One reason for this is that machine efficiency has increased and energy consumption per ton of products made in the factory has decreased.

Emissions per employee pro and per tonne of production output

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Total emissions up slightly

Overall, emissions have increased compared with 2016. This is primarily due to the fact that the production levels at our VAUDE Manufaktur have risen significantly, which naturally means higher levels of material consumption which in turn leads to higher emissions.

Another cause: the second highest source of emissions at VAUDE is business travel and employee commuting. Unfortunately, both of these increased in 2017. More about "VAUDE Verkehrswende" here.

Despite all of this, we were able to decouple emissions from growth. Total emissions in 2017 remained at 2011 levels despite the fact that since 2011, VAUDE has grown enormously – more employees, more land, more cars, more production, more sales and on and on. We have significantly reduced emissions in many areas (see below). Continuing to reduce emissions as the company grows remains a real challenge.

We have also been able to decouple our energy consumption from growth. Read more here.


VAUDE Emissions in Detail

Absolute quantity of emissions in tonnes of CO2e

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Distribution of VAUDE emissions 2017 in tonnes of CO2e

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Emissions in annual comparison in tonnes of CO2e (carbon dioxide-equivalents)

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Emissions from business trips and commuting

Employee mobility is a hard nut to crack. Although VAUDE has a Mobility Concept that is often cited as ‘best practice’, emissions from business travel and commuting are increasing. More on our mobility concept here.

We are a long way from our goal of a 10 % reduction in employee mobility emissions by 2020 compared with 2015: In 2017, our employee mobility emissions were up 31 % compared to 2015.

Unfortunately, an increase in employees and turnover also means an increase in business travel and employee commuting. Even though we have succeeded in decoupling energy consumption from corporate growth – when it comes to mobility, we still need to find creative incentives to encourage employees to commute to work in an environmentally friendly way and to implement our strict travel policy more consistently.

More about our corporate growth here.

Information on energy consumption and emissions regarding corporate growth can be found here..

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Emissions from business travel include emissions from the company fleet, air, rail and long-distance bus travel as well as hotel accommodation.

Overnight accommodation is another source of CO2 emissions

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Emissions from hotel stays are included in emissions from business travel (graphic above)

Still more figures… Emissions in detail

Energy: electricity and gas consumption

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Packaging: cardboard and foil

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Consumables include copy paper, computers, printers and similar items.

Transport: Delivery transportation of VAUDE products

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At present, we only include transport figures that relate to the materials and products that are processed and manufactured at VAUDE Manufaktur in the carbon footprint. Read more here.

And here you can find background information for VAUDE Logistics.


New VAUDE Manufaktur with an excellent CO2 Balance

After a lightning strike in 2015, we built a new production facility for our Made in Germany products in 2016. Environmental protection played an important role here. We opted for a timber construction method that is the most environmentally friendly alternative from an emissions perspective, both during production and throughout its entire life cycle.


Life cycle analysis of different construction methods for the VAUDE Manufaktur

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Carbon Footprint using the Greenhouse Gas Protocol

Calculation of emissions follows these myclimate principles:

  • Scope 1 emissions are shown in the carbon footprint in the relevant categories as CO2 equivalents (Total Scope 1: 527.6 tCO2e).
  • All greenhouse gases (GHG) are included in accordance with IPCC in the carbon footprint.
  • The base year for GRI reporting is 2014. (Starting balance for GRI reporting). Scope 1 emissions rose approx. 9 %. (2014: 482 tCO2e, 2015: 488 tCO2e, 2016: 463, 2017: 527t CO2e).
  • The basis is the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (WRI). If assumptions are made, they are listed in the source.
  • The source in almost all cases is ecoinvent 2.2 (LCA database) with GWP: 100a from IPCC (2007). Individual sources are each listed in the carbon footprint.
  • Consolidation approach of operational control (in accordance with WRI: ghg protocol)

Emissions based on scopes

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What are Scopes? An explanation can be found here.

GRI:   103
Management Approach
GRI:   305-1
Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions
GRI:   305-2
Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions
GRI:   305-3
Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions
GRI:   305-4
GHG emissions intensity
GRI:   305-5
Reduction of GHG emissions
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