Search Report
2020 Sustainability Report
published 2021/08/02

The German Sustainability Code

The German Sustainability Code outlines the minimum requirements for reporting on non-financial performance of companies. It is supervised by the office of the German Council for Sustainable Development, which works on behalf of the German government. More about the Code.

In 2011, VAUDE was the first company in the outdoor industry to create a declaration of conformity with the Sustainability Code. We have updated this declaration for the reporting year 2016, creating greater transparency and comparability in terms of our sustainability performance. VAUDE Compliance Statement

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German Sustainability Code
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VAUDE Compliance Statement
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General Information

Business Purpose, Services and Products:

VAUDE Sport GmbH & Co. KG develops, produces and sells outdoor gear from the VAUDE brand: functional apparel for outdoors, backpacks and bags, sleeping bags, tents, shoes, camping accessories.

Sustainable Business is Worthwhile

Creating Added Value through Commitment

Additional Remarks (e.g. indication of external audit):

External Verification of the GRI Sustainability Report 2016


1. Strategic Analysis and Action

Corporate Philosophy
Our Sustainability Strategy
The VAUDE Ecosystem
Our Goals
bluesign Standard
bluesign Materials
Green Shape Concept
Our Responsibility for Producers
EMAS Index

Our Awards

2. Materiality

Material Aspects
Materiality Analysis
The VAUDE Ecosystem
Our Goals
Environmental Management System

3. Objectives

Our Goals

4. Depth of the Value Chain

Our Supply Chain
Our Sustainability Strategy
Our Responsibility for Producers
Reliable Partnerships for Producers
bluesign Materials
Green Shape Concept
Higg Index

Process Management

5. Responsibility

The VAUDE CEO, Antje von Dewitz, is responsible for sustainability at the company. She shapes the company's vision, values, agenda and long-term goals and defines the normative framework. As a member of the Executive Board for Sales & CSR, Jan Lorch assumes responsibility at the strategic level. The CSR Team works at the operational level; it consists of experts in the fields of management, environmental management, quality management, business development, material development, product development, production, sales and communications. The CSR team is the contact point regarding sustainability issues for all employees and business partners. The team makes decisions regarding priorities and coordinates projects in bi-monthly meetings. Depending on the issue being addressed, other experts from related departments are brought into the team as well.


6. Rules and Processes

Sustainability strategy implementation is ensured by the internal management process. The executive management defines specific business goals that are systematically directed to the departmental, divisional, team and individual levels in meetings and employee discussions. Measurable sustainability goals can be found at each level.

In addition to internally defined objectives, the Environmental Management System (in accordance with EMAS and membership in the Fair Wear and bluesign) is a binding framework for our sustainability performance. Concrete EMAS environmental objectives also create structures that lead to sustainable solutions in purchasing, production (procurement and use of environmentally friendly materials and technologies), logistics / transport (e.g. emission reduction measures, mobility concept), marketing and sales (e.g. using ecological POS materials, ecological trade fair concepts etc.) and R&D (ensuring high-quality products at high ecological value).

For more information on these indicators, see our Sustainability Report.

Corporate Philosophy
Economy for the Common Good
Our Goals

7. Control

Our Goals
Fair Wear-Index
Economy for the Common Good 


Performance Indicator G4-56

Describe the organization’s values, principles, standards and norms of behavior such as codes of conduct and codes of ethics:

Corporate Philosophy

8. Incentive Systems

Measurable business goals are defined in meetings and employee discussions. These are monitored and evaluated semi-annually. Sustainability goals are fully integrated into the company's goals. Company goals are systematically directed to the corporate, departmental, divisional, team leader and employee levels. They are periodically monitored and evaluated in regularly scheduled meetings.
Every employee, therefore, has sustainability goals anchored in his or her personal employee goals and strives to implement them as best possible. The CSR team is available to employees in an advisory role for all sustainability issues. In a top-down process, the formation of business-wide and employee-specific sustainability goals is structurally anchored. Within the framework of annual employee interviews, executive bonuses are determined with each manager and are paid out if goals are met. The executive management is excluded from this system. For these employees, target evaluations take place every six months by the advisory board as well as a management report to the board by the executive management.

Our Goals


Performance Indicator G4-51 a.

Remuneration policies - Report the remuneration policies for the highest governance body and senior executives for the below types of remuneration:

Not included, as this is not a part of the core GRI G4 Report.



Performance Indicator G4-54

Report the ratio of the annual total compensation for the organization’s highest-paid individual in each country of significant operations to the median annual total compensation for all employees (excluding the highest-paid individual) in the same country.

Not included, as this is not a part of the core GRI G4 Report.

We have reported on this in our Common Good Report.

9. Stakeholder Engagement

Corporate Governance
Stakeholder in Detail


Performance Indicator G4-27

Report key topics and concerns that have been raised through stakeholder engagement, and how the organization has responded to those key topics and concerns, including through its reporting. Report the stakeholder groups that raised each of the key topics and concerns.

Material Aspects
Materiality Analysis VAUDE 2021

10. Innovation and Product Management

The VAUDE Ecosystem
Green Shape
Merchandise Logistics
Product Use and Care
Product Guarantee
Management of Harmful Substances
Environmental Management System
Human Rights


Performance Indicator G4-FS11

Is not reported on. It is an indicator for the finance sector.
See Materiality Analysis


11. Usage of Natural Resources

Water in the Supply Chain
Biodiversity Check
Headquarters in Tettnang
Biodiversity Projects
Energy Management
Energy Conservation
Environmental Emissions
Data on Emissions
Waste and Wastewater
Material Consumption

12. Ressource Management

Our Goals
Environmental Emissions 


Performance Indicator G4-EN1

Materials used by weight or volume:

We have no analysis options for the total weight or volume of materials used to manufacture the products that are made outside of Tettnang-Obereisenbach.

Green Shape Concept
Organic Cotton
Materials Consumption
bluesign Material
Water Repellent Materials


Performance Indicator G4-EN3
Energy consumption within the organization:



Performance Indicator G4-EN6
Reducing Energy Consumption:

Mobility Lotto
Environmental Emissions
Product Use & Care
Business Travel
Higg Index


Performance Indicator G4-EN8
Total water withdrawal by source:

We have no data from the supply chain.


Performance Indicator G4-EN23
Total weight of waste based on type and method of disposal:

We have no data from the supply chain.

13. Climate-relevant Emissions

Environmental Emissions Link: Our carbon footprint can be downloaded here.
Our Goals


Performance Indicator G4-EN15
Direct greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1):

We have no data from the supply chain.

Data on Emissions


Performance Indicator G4-EN16
Indirect energy-related greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 2):

We have no data from the supply chain. No Scope 2 emissions were generated.

Data on Emissions


Performance Indicator G4-EN17
Other indirect greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 3):

We have no data from the supply chain.

Data on Emissions


Performance Indicator G4-EN19
Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

We have no data from the supply chain.

Environmental Emissions


14. Employee Rights

VAUDE in Germany

Training and Professional Development
Employee Satisfaction
Career and Family
Health Promotion
Sustainable Company Remodeling
Audits of external Producers
Human Rights

15. Equal Opportunities

Defined VAUDE values include the respectful treatment of people and the environment as well as partnership-based business practices. There is no differentiation based on gender, race, religion or other categories of diversity. In cases of conflict or discrimination, there is a defined process: executive managers are available to all employees for clarification of the incident. In individual cases, the incident can be escalated upward by the individual’s direct manager. If dialogue between the manager and concerned parties does not lead to clarification, Personnel Management becomes involved and develops a conflict resolution strategy with the concerned parties. Conflict resolution progress is then checked in regularly held individual meetings. When no progress is made, there may be a written warning and VAUDE reserves the right to initiate employee termination if necessary.

Diversity and Nondiscrimination
Human Rights
Forced Labor
Freedom of Association
Culture of Trust
VAUDE in Germany
Equal Opportunity in the Supply Chain
Our Goals in Detail
Work and Private Life

16. Qualification

Training and Professional Development
Sustainable Company Remodeling
Our Influence at our Headquarters
Career and Family
Diversity and Nondiscrimination


Performance Indicator G4-LA6
Type of injury and rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and total number of work-related fatalities, by region and by gender:

Because we only consider our Obereisenbach-Tettnang location, we do not differentiate by region.

Occupational Safety
Health Promotion


Performance Indicator G4-LA8
Health and safety issues covered by formal agreements with trade unions:

Is not reported on. See Materiality Analysis.
Further information on the indicators can be found in our Sustainability Report.

Material Aspects
VAUDE in Tettnang


Performance Indicator G4-LA9

Average hours of training per year per employee by gender, and by employee category:

There are no figures available for external professional development that is not organized and budgeted through our VAUDE Academy continuing education program. To date, only the training (usually internal) that is organized and budgeted through our continuing education program VAUDE Academy has been recorded.

Training and Professional Development


Performance Indicator G4-LA12
Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees per employee category according to gender, age group, minority group membership, and other indicators of diversity:

Minorities and other diversity factors are not recorded separately at VAUDE. Age-based categories are not recorded separately, therefore only executives are represented.

Diversity and Nondiscrimination 


Performance Indicator G4-HR3
Total number of incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken:

Equal Opportunity in the Supply Chain

17. Human Rights

Human Rights
Audits of External Producers
Production in Risk Countries
Freedom of Association
Legally Binding Employment
Child Labor
Payment of a Living Wage
Forced Labor
Equal Opportunity in the Supply Chain
Working Hours


Performance Indicator G4-HR1
Total number and percentage of significant investment agreements and contracts that include human rights clauses or that underwent human rights screening:

Not covered. See Materiality Analysis.


Performance Indicator G4-HR9
Total number and percentage of operations that have been subject to human rights reviews or impact assessments:

Not covered. See Materiality Analysis.


Performance Indicator G4-HR10
Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using human rights criteria:

We do not monitor new producers, but rather the number of producers that have been audited in the reporting year (initial audit) whose share of the total FOB volume in the reporting year. We rely on long-term partnerships with our producers. In addition, audits before the start of production are not possible. However, there is a checklist for assessing producers during initial visits.

Human Rights


Performance Indicator G4-HR11
Significant actual and potential negative human rights impacts in the supply chain and actions taken:

Human Rights
Production in Risk Countries

18. Corporate Citizenship

Made in Germany
Our Influence at our Headquarters

Creating added value through commitment
Integration is a matter close to our hearts


Performance Indicator G4-EC1
Direct economic value generated and distributed:

For competitive reasons we do not publish the absolute sales figures.

Sustainable Business 

19. Political Influence

The preservation of our independence is very important to us. Therefore, we do not support political parties or political organizations. In addition, we have received no financial support from political actors in 2016 nor in previous years. Instead, we rely on constructive dialogue on sustainability issues to shape developments.
(Partners and Networks)

Engagement in Initiatives

We get involved and take a position


Performance Indicator G4-SO6
Total value of political contributions by country and recipient/beneficiary:

VAUDE does not support political parties with donations.

20. Conduct that Complies with the Law and Policy

A systematic approach to the prevention of unlawful action in the sense of a compliance management system does not currently exist. An internal system of budgetary control is presently a preventive measure against corruption. Another measure to avoid corruption is our multi-level system of invoice verification as well as the separation of functions within the process.

More content on this indicator can be found in our Sustainability Report.

Legal Compliance

VAUDE Code of Trust


Performance Indicator G4-SO3

Total number and percentage of operations assessed for risks related to corruption and the significant risks identified:

The GRI Indicators G4-SO3 and SO2 on corruption have been excluded from our Materiality Analysis


Performance Indicator G4-SO5
Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken:

Is not reported on. See Materiality Analysis.
More content on this indicator can be found in our Sustainability Report.


Performance Indicator G4-SO8

Monetary value of significant fines and total number of non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with laws and regulations:

In 2015 VAUDE had no fines or other non-monetary penalties.

More content on this indicator can be found in our Sustainability Report.

Legal Compliance