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2020 Sustainability Report
published 2021/08/02

Ambitious Goals

We want to be a company that is sustainable to the core, contributing to making (y)our world a better place. Therefore, we set ambitious goals each and every year and check our progress at regular intervals. If we see that we’re not meeting our goals, we continue to work even harder.

A look back at the events of 2020

Once again in 2020, VAUDE made significant progress with regard to sustainability and we have taken some important steps forward.

Corporate goals that are directly related to sustainability are published in our report. We do not publish our economic goals for competitive reasons.

Ambitious goals for the future

Our convictions haven't changed: We are continuing to work toward increasing our sustainability holistically, taking on responsibility and reducing our environmental footprint. In those areas where we are not completely satisfied, we are always setting new goals in order to achieve our corporate vision. Our vision is:

“Improving the quality of life with sustainable outdoor products and future oriented business strategies.”

Meeting this high standard that we have set for ourselves presents us with new challenges time and again. We are facing up to these challenges and tackling them head on. More at – Our Challenges

We also listen to and consider the comprehensive feedback that our stakeholders give us. We are proactive in analyzing our strategies with regard to their concerns and examine how we can improve both our CSR services and our communication. Read more at – "Involving Stakeholders".

Systematic management approach and goal measurement

We continually and consistently measure our sustainability performance. Our goals are defined with specific target figures and timeframes. Regular analysis of how well we are reaching our goals ensures that the process continues to develop and improve. 

More about this here

As we are analyzing our goals, we use the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) method. This means that we carefully identify specific measures for achieving our goals. (»SMART«) After one or more measures for achieving the goal have been implemented ("do"), the procedure and the target values ("check") are always reviewed. Action includes reviewing the results, which are then included in future objectives, target figures and measures (“act”). This ensures the achievement of a systematic, continuous, improvement process.

Implementation of the VAUDE energy management with the plan-do-check-act principle

Implementation of the VAUDE energy management with the plan-do-check-act principle

Read more about VAUDE energy management here

Our Strategy papier 2020

1.We strengthen the VAUDE brand and the development of sustainable, innovative products.

We are securing our sustainable, pioneering position by investing in innovation, setting ambitious goals for transitioning to recycled and biobased materials, and our active commitment to sustainability on a political level, such as supporting the governmental seal for sustainable textiles "Grüner Knopf".

2.Our financing is sustainable; we operate efficiently and achieve sustainable growth by balancing economic, environmental and social goals as well as by maintaining a healthy balance of multiple revenue streams.

As a mountain sports brand, we are also focusing on exploiting the potential of our urban, bike and footwear products over multiple distribution channels as well as our industrial customer business. We are investing in our Made in Germany production and in the expansion of European markets.

3.We work in partnership with our specialized retailers.

We support omnichannel retailing, the optimization of floor-space management and the development of useful services to support the sales process (including a holistic training concept).

4.We are an attractive and responsible employer.

We are continuously developing our culture of trust and the ongoing development of our occupational health management program. We promote diversity and implement strategies for professional and personal development as well as remuneration.

5.We are increasing our earning power through greater efficiency in order to be economically fit for the future and to support our existing workforce.

Personnel savings flow primarily into salary development and continuing education opportunities for our employees. We have addressed this proactively by introducing an ERP system and pushing efficiency.

6.We are strategically focused on our supply chain.

In order to master the challenges regarding sustainability and the future viability of our supply chain, we have embedded the issue on an organizational level and work intensively on the transparency and ongoing development of our supply chain with regard to environment and social responsibility as well as quality.

7.We are strategically focused on internationalization.

We are continuing to develop organizational structures for the needs of our international key markets and focus on Europe. 8.We design IT that is fit for the future. We are introducing digitalized, future-proof business management software that displays standardized and efficient processes. In doing so, we are relying on cloud-based solutions. The successful implementation of our largest project to date, "Expedition 2020," has top priority and full support, being closely accompanied by management, the HR team and the staff positions.

9.We are strategically focused on digital transformation.

Digitization affects us all in all areas. Our interdisciplinary team is well connected and analyzes trends with expert knowledge in order to set up a future-oriented digitalization strategy for VAUDE. To expand our business model, we are developing a strategy around digital services with a focus on sustainability and expanding our end customer base.

10. We strengthen our partnerships both internally and externally through active dialog so that we can recognize consumer needs.We rely on communication with external and internal stakeholders in order to find good solutions for complex and dynamic requirements while always keeping our focus on the consumer’s perspective.

We are in dialog with retailers, experts, NGOs and consumers and strive for an individualized customer approach (B2C and B2B). We strengthen our consumer service competence, e.g., through Design Thinking Processes and direct communication with our store customers.

Overview of our strategical measures

Strategical Measure Target 2020 Actual Status 2020 Outlook 2021 Link on page in CSR Report
Increase/stabilization of the equity ratio and reduction of the leverage ratio Equity ratio 60.8 %, Debt-equity ratio: 2.2 Equity ratio: 64.6 %, Debt-equity ratio: 0.1 Equity ratio: 63.30 %, Debt-equity ratio: 1.7
Increase sales for market sectors 5.6 % 8.2 % 7.8 %
Increase in EBIT margin 3.5 % 6.7 % 3.8 %
Establishment of a sustainability academy as another source of income for VAUDE Establishment of the VAUDE Academy for Sustainable Business. Approval of funding for the program. Targets were achieved Implementation of the Academy as a social business. Achieving impact and reach with the educational formats (focus on digital events). Professional handling of consulting projects for corporate clients.
Extending product life - increasing the repair rate Repair workshop has been trained. Target values are defined/ Target value 2020: 50 %. Establish and improve profit center. Increase repairability of products, measurable via Repaiability Index, increase customer satisfaction and achieve faster turnaround times. Targets achieved, Repair ratio 60.1 % Target value 2021: 60 %. Increase reparability of products, measurable via Repaiability Index, increase customer satisfaction and achieve faster throughput times.
Supply chain transparency: publish producer locations and origin of materials We have established (processes, communication) traceability for all top sellers and highlight products (apparel and backpacks) for consumers. Consumers are provided with information on the production site and our activities aimed at improving environmental protection and social conditions. Our goals were achieved for the 2020 Winter Season. Communication began in fall 2020. Transfer to all product groups for the 2021 Summer Season
Increase overall percentage of environmentally friendly products Increase percentage of products S20: 81 %, W20: 89 % S21: 83 %, W21: 96 %, S22: 81 %, Percentage has decreased due to transition to stricter Green Shape 3.0 criteria
Development of Green Shape 3.0 (valid starting Season 22) Concept with integration of a Repair Index, material efficiency and the material targets (more than 50 % recycled or biobased percentage of the primary materials) has been developed and implementation has begun Green Shape 3.0 has been introduced. Criteria apply starting with the Summer Collection 2022 Accreditation of Green Shape as an independent standard neuer Link Produkte - Green Shape
GRS certification VAUDE GRS certification for producers is planned GRS certification VAUDE at suppliers in implementation. GRS recertification VAUDE has taken place We have products that can be have the GRS label. Increasing the share of GRS certified materials and products through GRS certification of the supply chain.
Reduction / optimization of packaging (product packaging, sales packaging, transport packaging) Transition to recycled polybags. Industry solutions with EOG will be pursued Suppliers for polybags made from recycled materials have been found, transition for the Manufaktur of and logistics HQ / Tettnang is in preparation. Transition to polybags at the VAUDE Manufaktur and all requirements for HQ Tettnang. Transition of other suppliers is taking place, including in Asia.
Brand Material Goals (more than 50 % recycled and/or biobased content per product) Develop implementation plan In 2024, more than 90% of all products are to comply with the BMG Winter 2021: 55.18 % (min. >30% rec. and/or biobased). Summer 2022: GSrecycled + GSrenable = 47.34 % (min. >30 %, all new models with GS3.0 >50 %). As of season W22/23, BMG >50 % will be able to be evaluated using a report. Target value increase in view of reaching target value of BMG 2024
Expansion of business with sustainability customers Increase compared to previous year Number of customers increased compared to the previous year Increase compared to previous year
Microplastics (Textile Mission): status quo investigation on fiber loss and test of new functional textiles without fiber loss and zero waste design extend by Microfibre Consortium Implement grant project. Submit follow-up project application for funding Project completion in March 2021. Embedding the findings in product development Draw up follow-up project neuer Link: Produkte - Materialien - Mikroplastik
Structure for holistic embedding of digitization in the company is established Concept and vision for holistic anchoring of digitization available Concept and vision were developed Implementation has started
Expedition 2020 - Development of a sustainable IT structure and software application concept: 1.introduction of a contemporary, business management software, 2. the ""new IT"" maps standardized and efficient processes The project will be carried out according to the established schedule. The design phase is to be completed in the technical subprojects. The realization/commissioning phase 80% completed. The project is being implemented. The planned go-live had to be postponed. As a result, the schedules for the project phases have also been postponed. ERP software will be introduced
Digitalization of product development Examination of options and adoption of systems established on the market Requirements catalog was created Implementation of the software. Training of the employees
Use automation options to increase efficiency. Propose and develop a concept for automation in the manufactory Concept is developed Concept is approved Concept implementation
Climate neutrality has been achieved not only for HQ Tettnang, but for the entire company and its products and logistics. Development of data basis of focus suppliers and preparation of an extended Climate Footprint 2019 by MyClimate. In addition to the Climate Footprint for the company headquarters in Tettnang, including manufacturing, logistics and administration, the material consumption for the manufacture of all products and the energy consumption for material production were included in the 2019 and 2020 Climate Footprint for the first time (Scope 3.1 emissions). Based on the 2019 Climate Footprint expanded by Scope 3 emissions from the supply chain, Science Based Targets (SBT) for VAUDE will be derived, verified by the SBT Initiative and published (by the end of 2021). Based on this, it will be determined by when VAUDE will be climate neutral. In parallel, work is being done to reduce emissions in three relevant areas: Material consumption: implementation of VAUDE material targets (over 50 % rececycled/biobased), Energy consumption material production in close cooperation with suppliers and industry networks, Company fleet"
Reduce emissions from passenger transport: 25 % reduction in emissions from employee mobility by 2024 (base year 2019). Develop new mobility guideline for business travel and vehicle fleet concept New mobility policy for business travel and new guidelines for company cars are in force. Implement new fleet concept based on electromobility
Continue development of sustainable supplier management Creation of CSR roadmap supply chain 4 main issues were identified: climate neutrality, environmentally friendly/sustainable materials and technologies, social aspects, supply chain transparency, a roadmap 2021-2023 with detailed measures was created Climate neutrality: setting Scope 3 STBs targets for Tier 2 suppliers. Social aspects: Establish social and environmental grievance mechanism Tier 1 and Tier 2, include corruption and bribery in regulations, Living Wage projects. Transparency: use of HIGG FEM Tier 1 and Tier 2, expansion of product traceability, impact of Covid 19 pandemic on supply chain - Environmentally friendly technologies: Brand Material Goals, Mass Balance BASF
Expansion or development of two global new ownership systems such as lending, sharing, renting, 2nd hand, upcycling, recycling, reselling. iRentit roll-out iRentit roll out due to insolvency of Kilenda/Relenda once again questionable, continue manual processing at VAUDE as before. Development of concept and prioritization of issues
Promote job satisfaction Second participation in the "BGM Beschäftigtenbarometer" (Employee Barometer) of the Techniker Krankenkasse and the Institut für Betriebliche Gesundheit (1st follow-up) The repeat survey as part of the "Employee Barometer" took place at the end of 2020. The results have been available since January 2021 and show even more positive ratings in most categories. Based on the survey results of the "Employee Barometer" from the end of 2020, we are continuing to work in a targeted manner on optimizing working conditions for specific teams and the entire workforce.
Promote diversity and equal opportunities Medium-term time target: First management level: 43 %, Second management level: 33 %, Third management level: 45 % First management level: 33 %, Second management level: 26 %, Third management level: 62 % Continue focus on fair distribution of development and career opportunities at VAUDE
GRI:   102-14
Statement from senior decision-maker
GRI:   103
Management Approach
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