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2022 Sustainability Report
published 2023/08/01

Almost all VAUDE products with Green Button Seal

The Grüner Knopf is the first state-monitored seal for socially and ecologically sustainable textiles. The VAUDE Green Shape standard was recognized for the Grüner Knopf.

VAUDE is a pioneer for sustainable textiles

VAUDE was one of the first German companies to receive the new state textile certification seal, Grüner Knopf, for a large part of its product range. The strict criteria of the company's own Green Shape label were recognized and provided an important foundation for obtaining the certification.

In October 2022, VAUDE became the first company to be certified in accordance with the new version of the Grüner Knopf (GK 2.0). For the use of the Grüner Knopf on VAUDE products, the VAUDE Green Shape Standard continued to be recognized.

»We are experiencing that more and more people wish to buy clothes with a clear conscience, but are finding it difficult to recognize ecologically and fairly produced products. The meaning of the various certification seals is also confusing. As a state-supervised certification seal, the Grüner Knopf offers consumers orientation for responsible shopping. We are delighted to be involved from the start and to receive the Grüner Knopf certification seal for 90 % of VAUDE's current apparel collection.«
Antje von Dewitz, CEO VAUDE

National Textile Seal of the German Federal Government

Grüner Knopf

The Grüner Knopf is the first state-monitored seal to label socially and ecologically produced textiles. The German Federal Government created this state textile seal with a deep level of commitment from Gerd Müller, Germany’s former Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development.
The global textile label is intended to increase the visibility of these products for consumers and provide better orientation for textile purchases.

Products with the new label must be manufactured in accordance with criteria laid out by the state and in accordance with high environmental and social standards. The Grüner Knopf combines standards for both products and for companies who have to prove due diligence.

The Grüner Knopf logo is attached directly to the product and provides consumers with orientation when shopping for sustainable textiles.

»I’m just thrilled that as an innovative outdoor outfitter, VAUDE has joined the Green Button program right from its inception. VAUDE is a pioneer for sustainability across the entire textile industry. As an active founding member of our textile association, VAUDE has played a leading role for years and has demonstrated that performance apparel and sustainability can go hand in hand. The fact that such a well-recognized trailblazer for sustainability is participating in the Green Button confirms that we’re on the right path.«
Dr. Gerd Müller, Federal Minister for Economic Development and Cooperation 2013 until 2021

VAUDE Green Shape recognized as a standard for the Grüner Knopf

In preparation for the examination for the Grüner Knopf, the VAUDE Green Shape concept was examined very closely for months by the BMZ, GIZ and DAKKS. As a result, Green Shape was recognized as the standard for the Grüner Knopf.

This means that, unlike other companies, VAUDE Green Shape products do not have to go through a case-by-case examination to earn the Grüner Knopf.

This is a huge success for VAUDE and a valuable confirmation that we took the right path ten years ago with the introduction of our Green Shape Concept and its strict criteria.

With Green Shape, we created a system that hasn’t just created more environmentally friendly products with true added value for people and nature. The concept is based on our close partnerships with our producers and their suppliers, built up over many years, which cover fair working conditions, chemicals management and operational environmental protection such as energy efficiency, waste, water and wastewater management.

We support our suppliers in increasing their expertise and maintaining high environmental and social standards.

»For us, the state certification of VAUDE products with the Grüner Knopf confirms that we took the right path ten years ago with our strict Green Shape criteria, which we imposed on ourselves. We are delighted that the majority of VAUDE products have now been independently certified.«
Text: Hilke Patzwall, VAUDE CSR Manager

Partnership for Sustainable Textiles & Grüner Knopf

As a founding member of the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles, VAUDE has been working since 2014 to ensure that internationally recognized environmental and social standards are implemented throughout the entire value chain of textile production.

VAUDE isn’t just pursuing its own vision of production that is as sustainable as possible. As part of the larger textile industry, it recognizes its obligation to contributing to a change in the framework conditions across all sectors and to finding more environmentally compatible and socially fair solutions for practical use.

Within this context, VAUDE recognizes that orientation for purchasing sustainable textiles is a particularly important measure for consumers and has long supported a seal such as the Grüner Knopf as a state certification seal for textiles.

»As a founding member of the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles, we have long been committed to finding cross-industry solutions with the goal of making global textile manufacturing more environmentally friendly and fair. We strongly welcome the fact that the Grüner Knopf certification seal has been created with a deep level of commitment from the Minister of Development Gerd Müller. We hope that many companies will assume responsibility, join the program and have their products certified.«
Jan Lorch, VAUDE Managing Director Sales and CSR

Grüner Knopf continues to develop

In the introductory phase, the Grüner Knopf covers the most important production stages "cutting and sewing" and "bleaching and dyeing" (wet processes). Over the next few years, development will continue and be extended to other production stages, with the aim of protecting people and the environment throughout the entire supply chain.

The definition of the globally applicable requirements for companies and the supply chain is carried out by the state as owner of the warranty mark. The requirements are monitored worldwide by independently accredited certification bodies. The Grüner Knopf is registered as a warranty trademark according to 106a ff of the German Trademark Act (MarkenG) and has been examined by the German Patent and Trademark Office.

More information:


VAUDE products with the Grüner Knopf

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GRI:   3-3
Management of material topics
GRI:   417-1
Requirements for product and service information and labeling
GRI:   417-2
Incidents of non-compliance concerning product and service information and labeling
Green button (German)
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Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation (BMZ)
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Society for International Cooperation GIZ
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German Accreditation Body DAkkS
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