We are pleased that we have been able to offer our colleagues stable jobs and even expand our team, even in turbulent times.
On the reporting date Dec. 31, 2022, 699 people worked at VAUDE (47 more than the previous year). For the purposes of this report, we include all persons with permanent or fixed-term contracts, interns, trainees, and employees in marginal employment (450 Euro mini-jobs). Employees on parental leave were not included. Of our employees at the end of 2022, 420 were female and 249 male. The working hours of the total workforce corresponded to 548 full-time positions.
There were seasonal fluctuations in the size of the workforce over the course of 2022; this mainly affected our Logistics Department during the most intensive delivery periods. The number of full-time equivalents varied between 90 in May and 124 in September, and was 109 in March.
During the reporting period, a total of 126 employees and four trainees were newly hired on a permanent basis, of which 63 were women and 63 men. Of these, 49% were under 30 years old, 41% were between 30 and 50 years old, and 10% were over 50 years old. In addition, 128 short-term employees (e.g. holiday jobs), temporary workers and interns were newly hired.
No collective wage agreements apply to our employees.
In 2022 (as of 31.12), VAUDE had 518 permanent employees with unlimited contracts. This refers to employees who were neither hired as part of an apprenticeship or internship, nor as seasonally limited temporary workers, nor had an employment contract limited in time for a substantial reason. Of these employees, 326 were women and 192 were men. 305 of the permanent workers were full-time on the reporting date, 213 part-time. This corresponds to a full-time equivalent of 424. It is very important to us to maintain long-term relationships with our employees, who help shape our success with their professional experience, sense of belonging and commitment. For this reason, we carefully check all fixed-term contracts to see whether it is possible to convert them into permanent contracts. If this is not immediately possible, another fixed-term contract extension may be considered, but for reasons of fairness we only want to practice this once per person.
At VAUDE, the majority of employees have permanent contracts. No freelance or contract workers are used for essential company activities. In 2022, we nevertheless employed up to 60 temporary workers in our logistics and manufacturing operations, as we were unable to meet our greatly increased demand for labor with applicants from the open labor market. The high demand for our "Made in Germany" products and our difficulty in recruiting enough suitable employees in this area continues to be an issue. In general, we look for opportunities to employ temporary workers permanently after successful collaborations.
One of our key challenges is to reliably and sustainably meet our demand for skilled personnel and workers in the commercial sector as well. Our HR department and the managers of the areas particularly affected are called upon to provide effective incentives through special commitment and creative solutions that ensure the long-term recruitment and loyalty of employees.
GRI: | 102-8 |