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2022 Sustainability Report
published 2023/08/01

Our contribution to Sustainable Development Goals

Peace, prosperity and environmental protection by 2030 – people in 193 countries around the world are pursuing this vision. In order to achieve the 17 Sustainability Development Goals of the United Nations, we all have to do our share. As a part of the global community, we too are contributing to making the world a better place.

Companies as key players

Companies are key players in the implementation of development goals; their economic activity shapes both the conditions in their home countries and in the countries where their products are made. This also applies to small and mid-size companies that are active on a global level. By taking on social responsibility these companies can create social and ecological innovation to sustainably design the world. **

»Companies that consciously take responsibility for their economic activity play a major role in fostering global economic, social and technological progress in harmony with nature.«

Antje von Dewitz, CEO VAUDE

VAUDE and the Sustainable Development Goals

We take our responsibility seriously and understand sustainable development goals as an enriching perspective for the further development and assessment of our business activities. In our opinion, all of these objectives are linked and play a role in our activities so we give these goals equal weight and have integrated them into our corporate strategy.

VAUDE and the Sustainable Development Goals

We are closely examining the United Nation’s Global Agenda 2030 and the German Sustainability Strategy, which sets out the targets for Germany. During this process, we have discussed the following questions:

  • As a company, what points of contact do we have to the goals? 
  • What contribution can we make to our goals as far as our capabilities are concerned?
  • Where are we already contributing to the goals?
  • Where do opportunities arise from the goals for our entrepreneurial development?

In the following, we will expand upon our understanding of our responsibilities and explain the measures we are using to fulfill these global goals.

SDG 1 - No Poverty

1. No Poverty

“End poverty in all its forms everywhere.” * This includes reducing by at least half the proportion of people living in poverty in all its dimensions. In Germany, people at risk for poverty are those with access to less than 60% of the national average income. **

1. How do we perceive our responsibility in Germany and on a global level?

As an employer, we are responsible for providing our employees with a fair living wage. In the supply chain we are working with independent companies, which means that our influence on fair wages is lower here. Nevertheless, we see it as our job to support our producers and material suppliers, working closely together with them to establish a living wage.

2. How are we contributing?

In our company

  • The VAUDE wage system provides the basis for fair remuneration. 88  % of our employees have open-ended employment contracts. More at: Our employees
  • Employees with a “function level” of 0-3 have the opportunity to eat at a reduced price in the canteen. This ensures a healthy, balanced and, above all, affordable diet for every income group.

In our supply chain

SDG 2 - Zero Hunger

2. Zero Hunger

“End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.” * The focus of the national implementation in Germany is on supporting sustainable agriculture and sharing the knowledge of health and nutrition. **

1. How do we perceive our responsibility in German and on a global level?

Healthy working conditions include a good diet. We believe that it is important to provide our employees with access to nutritious meals for a well-balanced, sustainable lifestyle and to support organic farming. At the same time, we acknowledge that it’s our responsibility to support organic agriculture and the use of natural resources in the selection of our materials.

2. How are we contributing? 

In our company

In our supply chain

In our society

  • We have implemented a comprehensive Biodiversity Concept at our company headquarters to protect the biodiversity of our region. More at: Pioneer in the Biodiversity Check
SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-Being

3. Good Health and Well-Being

“Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.” Germany’s health policies focus especially on prevention with measures to avoid illnesses or reduce the risks of disease.**

1. How do we perceive our responsibility in Germany and on a global level?

As an employer we see ourselves as responsible for creating healthy, trust-based working conditions in which our employees feel well.

In our supply chain, we require that globally secure working conditions and health protection is established at our production facilities, monitored and continually improved. The next step is expanding this to our material suppliers. By closely examining the national health goals in our countries of production, we would like to align our future collaboration even more specifically.

For us, contributing to a sustainable, healthy living environment by engaging in environmentally friendly business is a given.

2. How are we contributing?

In our company

  • At our company headquarters in Obereisenbach, we provide support with a comprehensive Health Management System with approx. 8-10 sports courses per week, our organic canteen, ergonomic office furnishings and presentations for an independent, healthy lifestyle of our employees. More at: Health promotion is a matter of course
  • Workplace safety is important to us. We focus on prevention and conduct training courses on the subject of occupational safety within the framework of our Academy. More at: Safety is a top priority
  • Our working relationships are based on a culture of trust and value as the foundation for employee satisfaction. More at: Culture of trust and Satisfied employees is important to us

In our supply chain

  • Our producers must provide their workers with safe and hygienic workplaces. Moreover, they are obliged to seek the best solutions in the field of occupational safety and occupational health, taking into account the current level of knowledge of the industry with respect to specific risks. Together with the Fair Wear, VAUDE employees monitor occupational health and safety on-site on a regular basis. If there are complaints, we discuss them immediately with our suppliers to jointly develop solutions. More at: Health and safety at our producers

In our society

  • We manufacture sustainable products for outdoor sports and offer our customers equipment for active recreation in harmony with nature. 
  • Environmental protection is a part of safeguarding a healthy life. Therefore, we are engaged across the entire value chain, from production development to design of our company headquarters to the minimization of our greenhouse gases, waste and wastewater. More at: For a clean world: climate neutral business operations, Greenhouse gas emissions in detail and wastewater
SDG 4 - Quality Education

4. Quality Education

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.” This includes ensuring “that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development.” ** *

1. How do we perceive our responsibility in Germany and on a global level?

For us, it is of fundamental importance that our employees continually pursue ongoing professional development through internal and external occupational educational opportunities. We see the advancement of young people as a basis for safeguarding equal prospects for the future. 

Because our producers and material suppliers are independent companies, we have a limited influence on their professional development measures in the supply chain. Nevertheless, we see it as our responsibility to encourage our production partners around the world to train their employees and to contribute to their employees’ self-empowerment. It is also important for us to pass on our expertise to others, using it as a multiplier effect.

2. How are we contributing?

In our company

  • For professional, methodical and personal development, we provide our employees with various internally organized training sessions. In 2018, this included 28 training courses which were supplemented by numerous workshops for teams or other organizational units. We are also increasing the number of individual training courses offered by external providers that we support financially or through paid time off from work. More at: Vocational training and professional development for all employees
  • We contribute to early childhood education with our company childcare center. More at: Kinderhaus Childcare Center
  • VAUDE is a training company. In total, we supervise 14 apprentices on a regular basis, of whom 50 % are subsequently hired (over a three-year period, approx. 90 % of those who applied were hired.) In addition, we train five dual study students in business informatics, business administration in industry and business administration in trade and textile management.More at: Training at VAUDE
  • We are actively engaged in the integration of refugees. 12 refugees work at VAUDE. Read more here
  • With the Green Shape Campus, we offer our specialist dealers training courses on the subject of sustainability. In 2018, 111 salespeople participated in our workshops. More at: Raising awareness with sustainable communication

In our supply chain

In our society

  • Based on our specialized expertise in the field of sustainability, we are contributing to the promotion of education in sustainable development through collaborations with schools, youth organizations, by offering an ecological “gap year” program for young adults, in our company management, external lectures and participation in conferences. Antje von Dewitz is a member of the National Platform for Education for Sustainable Development.
  • At the moment, we’re looking at how we can further expand upon the transfer of our expertise. 
  • With our comprehensive sustainability reporting, we make our actions transparent and increase society’s awareness of the relevance of sustainability. More at: Raising awareness with sustainable communication, Material aspects of "sustainability based on conviction"
SDG 5 - Gender Equality

5. Gender Equality

“Ensure gender equality and empower all women and girls” **

1. How do we perceive our responsibility in Germany and on a global level?

In Germany the focus is on women’s equal participation in the workforce. ** We can ensure gender equality in our company with pay equity and measures for reconciling professional and private life. Throughout our supply chain worldwide, basic principles of equal treatment and equal opportunity apply for VAUDE as well.

2. How are we contributing?

In our company

  • Equal opportunity in our company is ensured by the VAUDE Wage System, flexible working hours, part-time options and an on-site childcare center for reconciling professional and private life. 66 % of our employees and 41 % of our management are women. In 2015 we launched a management program for women; currently we are in the process of systematically integrating a comprehensive Diversity Management program. As part of our organizational development process, we are raising awareness of diversity issues and on June 4, 2018, we also celebrated the German Diversity Day at our company. More at: Diversity in a world that's worth living in and Balancing career and family

In our supply chain

  • VAUDE requires its producing facilities to engage in gender equality. All aspects relating to the employment relationship must be based on the principle of equal treatment and equal opportunity. This applies to the recruitment of new employees and the wage policy as well as training opportunities, opportunities for advancement, dismissal or retirement. This is regularly reviewed by local VAUDE employees in the producing countries and by the Fair Wear (FW). If there are findings, they are immediately discussed with our producers to work out joint solutions. Implementation is supported and monitored until the finding is resolved. More at: Equal treatment and opportunity in the supply chain
SDG 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation

6. Clean Water and Sanitation

“Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.” Improving water quality is a special need in Germany. * **

1. How do we perceive our responsibility in Germany and on a global level?

Wastewater is created in almost all process steps of textile production. Therefore, we see ourselves as responsible of reducing the negative effects of our business activity on water quality by means of efficient water management. Our producers are independent companies. We therefore have a limited influence on their handling of water in the supply chain, but we are actively taking responsibility where we can.

2. How are we contributing?

In our company

In our supply chain 

  • We indirectly promote water conservation at our producers by means of material specifications. More at: Water consumption in the supply chain
  • Data transparency creates the basis for the direct impact on water consumption in the supply chain. For this purpose, by expanding the bluesign® system and participating in the Higg Index, we are working on building a database on all environmentally relevant information in the supply chain. More at: bluesign® system and Higg Index 
  • Within the framework of the Deutsche Entwicklungsgesellschaft DEG, which promotes the “" program, VAUDE supports material suppliers in introducing sustainable systematic environmental protection and in continuing to improve the measures they already have in place. More at: Suppliers as partners
  • One piece in the puzzle of our sustainability commitment is the Greenpeace Detox Commitment, in which we commit ourselves to abstaining from the use of harmful chemicals and to continuously promoting the implementation of sustainable production cycles and responsible consumption. This also includes carrying out regular wastewater tests on pollutants. More at: VAUDE Greenpeace Detox Commitment 

In our society 

SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy

7. Affordable and Clean Energy

“Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.” The goal is a significant increase in the share of renewable energy in overall energy consumption globally, and doubling the increase rate of energy efficiency. * **

1. How do we perceive our responsibility in Germany and on a global level?

We believe that it is essential for VAUDE to be climate-neutral by means of maximum energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies.
In the supply chain, we are pursuing the goal of gradually extending the VAUDE corporate footprint to other production sites and other products. So far we have no information on energy consumption in the supply chain.

2. How are we contributing?

In our company

In our supply chain

  • Since 2001 VAUDE has worked with bluesign® technologies. The bluesign® system is the world’s strictest standard for environmental and consumer protection and the optimization of energy, water, raw materials and chemicals in the supply chain. More at: bluesign® system: the world’s strictest textile standard
  • In order to measure the environmental effects of our products throughout the value chain, we have been working on the development of the Higg Index since it was created. More at: Higg Index
  • Within the framework of the Deutsche Entwicklungsgesellschaft DEG, which promotes the “" program, VAUDE supports material suppliers in introducing sustainable systematic environmental protection and in continuing to improve the measures they already have in place. More at: Suppliers as partners

In our society

  • We provide our consumers with information on how to reduce energy consumption in the use of our products with instructions on care. More at: Product use and care
  • With our compensation payments to myclimate, we support the Gold Standard climate protection project for reducing emissions in the eastern Chinese province Shanxi. More at: Corn saves coal! 

SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth

8. Good Jobs and Economic Growth

“Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and production employment and decent work for all.” **

1. How do we perceive our responsibility in Germany and on a global level?

For us, entrepreneurial success encompasses the entire social, ecological and economic contribution of VAUDE to the common good.

In the upstream value chain, it is important for us to work in partnership with our producers and material suppliers and to support them in securing decent work.

2. How are we contributing?

In our company

In our supply chain

In our society

SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

“Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.” * **

1. How do we perceive our responsibility in Germany and on a global level?

VAUDE sees itself as a regionally anchored company with a responsibility of contributing to the sustainable development of the local infrastructure. We are setting a good example for this.

Based on our corporate goal of offering our customers sustainable, innovative products, we promote innovation with our solutions and services. Our innovative approach applies to the entire value chain. As a pioneer in social and environmental sustainability, we have the mission to pass on our knowledge in the supply chain, industry and beyond.

2. How are we contributing?

In our company

  • Sustainable local infrastructure is supported by the sustainable design of the VAUDE headquarters, a production facility that is on location, an environmentally-friendly mobility concept and the initiation of a public transport option for Obereisenbach. At the same time, we create a future-oriented working environment for our employees through modern office concepts, a climbing wall, a green campus and organic canteen. More at: Sustainable renovation of the company headquarters, For a clean world: Climate neutral business operations 
  • With our Green Shape concept, we are implementing an evaluation concept for environmentally friendly optimization of our outdoor products along the entire product life cycle. More at: Green Shape Concept 
  • All employees are actively encouraged to contribute to the innovation process through our internal ideal management program, “Steps”. More at: Our internal idea management 
  • Our products win awards for innovation. More at: Awards

In our supply chain

  • Green Logistics: We analyze our emissions along their transportation flow, derive appropriate measures and minimize our transport emissions. More at: Half way around the world – yet still environmentally friendly
  • Within the framework of the Deutsche Entwicklungsgesellschaft DEG, which promotes the “" program, VAUDE supports material suppliers in introducing sustainable systematic environmental protection and in continuing to improve the measures they already have in place. More at: Suppliers as partners
  • In order to measure the environmental effects of our products throughout the value chain, we have been working on the development of the Higg Index since it was created. More at: Higg Index
  • One piece in the puzzle of our sustainability commitment is the Greenpeace Detox Commitment, in which we commit ourselves to abstaining from the use of harmful chemicals and to continuously promoting the implementation of sustainable production cycles and responsible consumption. More at: VAUDE Greenpeace Detox Commitment

In our society:

SDG 10 - Reduced inequalities

10. Reduced Inequalities

"Reduce inequalities within and between states." * In Germany the goal is to increase the equality of distribution, gender equality and the equal acceptance of all people as a part of our community. (10.1.-10.4.). Global inequality is to be countered by a better regulation of the financial markets, a stronger voice for developing countries and a responsible migration policy (10.5.-10.7.). **

1. How do we perceive our responsibility in Germany and on a global level?

As an employer, we see ourselves as responsible for the fair wages and equal opportunity of our employees. Equal pay for equal work is a basic principle. In addition, we see it as our responsibility to advocate the integration of refugees into the German labor market. 

A large proportion of our products are made in developing countries. It is self-evident for us to work on equal footing with our production partners.

2. How are we contributing?

In our company

  • With our VAUDE Wage System, we guarantee fair wages for our employees. More at: Our employees
  • All employees, regardless of gender, skin color, lifestyle or ethnic origin, receive equal opportunities for advancement. More at: Diversity in a world that’s worth living in 
  • We have employed 12 refugees. In addition to offering training and internship positions as well as permanent positions, employees began to set up projects in 2015 that focus on personal interaction. Examples include in-house sports courses or the joint production of sustainable bags made of remnants from production. More at: Assistance for refugees with work and leisure activities

In our supply chain

  • Our internal processes for partnership with our production partners are regularly verified by the Fair Wear (FW). Since 2014 we have achieved Leader Status - the best possible category at the FW. More at: Leader status at the Fair Wear
  • We are actively promoting the improvement of social standards. We are committed to ensuring a living wage at all of our production sites. In Myanmar, we have independently implemented a Workplace Education Program for the self-empowerment of our employees. More at: Fair wages, Production in Myanmar – loyal partnership
  • In our countries of production, the Fair Wear and VAUDE CSR inspect the equal opportunities and equal treatment of all employees in the employment relationship with our producers. For example, recruitment, wage policies, further training, career prospects and protection against dismissal are examined. In case of complaints, we work together with our partners to work out solutions and support them with their implementation. More at: Equal opportunity and equal treatment in the supply chain, Production in high risk countries
SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities

“Make cities and communities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.” In Germany, the focus is on safeguarding universal access to affordable housing, "sustainable land use" and "resource-conserving infrastructure" in and between cities, settlements and rural areas. * **

1. How do we perceive our responsibility in Germany and on a global level?

We are committed to our main location in Obereisenbach near Tettnang and see ourselves as responsible for creating local value through our commitment. This includes the sustainable organization of our company headquarters and the support of the local infrastructure through cooperative ventures.

2. How are we contributing?

In our company

In our supply chain

  • Green Logistics: We analyze our emissions along the flow of goods, derive suitable measures and minimize transportation emissions. VAUDE products travel the longest distances by container ship and train. Only few emissions are produced per product. More at: Half way around the world – yet still environmentally friendly

In our society

  • We have implemented a comprehensive biodiversity concept to protect biodiversity in the region at our company headquarters. More at: Pioneer in the Biodiversity Check
  • At our head office in Obereisenbach, we are active as a tenant of the local swimming pool, operator of a childcare center and a local kiosk and the co-initiator of the "Bähnlelinie", a local bus connection for our region. More at: Creating added value with commitment
SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production

12. Responsible Consumption and Production

“Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.” * The goal is to preserve our natural resources as a livelihood for future generations. This calls for ecologically sustainable production processes and a responsible approach to consumption. * **

1. How do we perceive our responsibility in Germany and on a global level?

Sustainable consumption and production patterns form the core of our sustainable corporate strategy. This is based on our willingness to go down unknown paths and invest in sustainable innovation.

2. How are we contributing?

In our company

In our supply chain

In our society

SDG 13 - Climate Action

13. Climate Action

“Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.”

1. How do we perceive our responsibility in Germany and on a global level?

At our headquarters in Obereisenbach we are taking on responsibility for engaging in climate-neutral business and using a comprehensive energy and mobility concept to minimize our negative environmental impacts. We work with independent companies in our supply chain. Nevertheless, our goal is to improve the climate-friendliness of upstream production steps.

2. How are we contributing?

In our company

In our supply chain

  • Green Logistics: We analyze our emissions along the flow of goods, derive suitable measures and minimize transportation emissions. More at: Half way around the world – yet still environmentally friendly
  • Since 2001 VADUE has been working with bluesign® technologies. The bluesign® system is the world’s strictest standard for environmental and consumer protection for the monitoring and optimization of the use of energy, water, raw resources and chemicals in the supply chain. More at: bluesign® system: The world’s strictest environmental standard
  • In order to measure the environmental effects of our products throughout the value chain, we have been working on the development of the Higg Index since it was created. More at: Higg Index
  • Within the framework of the Deutsche Entwicklungsgesellschaft DEG, which promotes the “" program, VAUDE supports material suppliers in introducing sustainable systematic environmental protection and in continuing to improve the measures they already have in place. More at: Suppliers as partners
SDG 14 - Life below water

14. Life Below Water

“Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development.” * This includes protecting the oceans and coasts, supporting sustainable fishing practices and the support of regional small fisheries. **

1. How do we perceive our responsibility in Germany and on a global level?

We do not manage marine resources, but we do take responsibility for the indirect impact of our business activities. We consider is self-evident that no waste or sewage is discharged into the sea. We see it as our responsibility to set a good example with our ability to manage and efficiently manage our workplace at our headquarters in Obereisenbach.

2. How are we contributing?

In our company

  • Indirectly, we contribute to the protection of marine resources through our VAUDE ecosystem. The VAUDE Ecosystem includes our holistic sustainability strategy along all phases of the product life cycle. This also includes careful handling of water and minimizing emissions. More at: The VAUDE Ecosystem 
  • We use a recycled material from old fishing nets to produce some of our clothing. These ghost nets wreak great damage in the world's seas. We produce high-quality functional clothing with this recycled material. More at: New clothes from used fishing nets
  • In our organic canteen we use 100% organic fish. More at: Future oriented working environment

In our supply chain

  • Within the framework of the Deutsche Entwicklungsgesellschaft DEG, which promotes the “" program, VAUDE supports material suppliers in introducing sustainable systematic environmental protection and in continuing to improve the measures they already have in place. More at: Suppliers as partners
  • One piece in the puzzle of our sustainability commitment is the Greenpeace Detox Commitment, in which we commit ourselves to abstaining from the use of harmful chemicals and to continuously promoting the implementation of sustainable production cycles and responsible consumption. More at: VAUDE Greenpeace Detox Commitment
SDG 15 - Life on Land

15. Life on Land

“Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.” * **

1. How do we see our responsibility in Germany and globally?

Our products are made for enjoying the outdoors so the conservation of biodiversity is naturally a personal concern for us. At our headquarters we have taken on responsibility for the conservation of regional diversity of plants, animals and habitats.
In our value chain, we can contribute to environmental protection by means of material selection, eco-friendly manufacturing and production processes and low-impact transportation methods.

2. How are we contributing?

In our company

  • We follow the guiding principle of manufacturing products that are not just highly functional, but also ecologically sound. This is based on measuring our impact. More at: Highly functional yet ecologically compatible
  • We engage in eco-friendly purchasing in our administration department. This includes, for example the use of recycled paper, sustainable trade fair stands and procurement for our organic canteen. More at: Environmentally friendly use of materials
  • We are optimizing our sales packaging in accordance with ecological considerations. We primarily use recycled cardboard and avoid the use of plastic. More at: As little packaging as possible

In our supply chain:

  • Since 2001 VAUDE has worked with bluesign® technologies. The bluesign® system is the world’s strictest standard for environmental and consumer protection and the optimization of energy, water, raw materials and chemicals in the supply chain. More at: bluesign® system: The world’s strictest environmental standard
  • To measure the environmental impact of our products throughout the supply chain, we work with other industry players to develop the Higg Index. More at: Higg Index
  • Within the framework of the Deutsche Entwicklungsgesellschaft DEG, which promotes the “" program, VAUDE supports material suppliers in introducing sustainable systematic environmental protection and in continuing to improve the measures they already have in place. More at: Suppliers as partners
  • We are currently examining how we can take biodiversity aspects into account in the supply chain.

In our society

SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

The global goal is to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. ** *

1. How do we perceive our responsibility in Germany and on a global level?

Legal conformity at VAUDE and in the supply chain is a top priority. Above and beyond our legal regulations, we want to take on social and environmental responsibility. 

In our supply chain, audits and support in meeting human rights and child protection have priority.

2. How are we contributing?

In our company

  • Compliance with all laws is a matter of course for us. More at: Legal compliance
  • Our guiding principles put ecological social and economic sustainability front and center of our value system and our daily work. More at: Corporate philosophy
  • As the first company in the outdoor branch to do so, we created and published an Economy for the Common Good balance sheet. More at: Business activities for the benefit of all
  • With our VAUDE Wegweiser in the Intranet, our employees have full access to our code of conduct. 
  • We launched a program of employee representatives in December 2016 to better anchor our culture of trust in company structures. More at: Culture of trust
  • All employees can use the internal idea management program, “Steps” to get involved and provide feedback for new ideas and suggestions for improvement. More at: Diversity in a world that’s worth living in

In our supply chain

In our society

SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals

17. Partnerships for the Goals

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development. Players on all levels and in all countries are summoned to contribute, as “part of a team”, to an adequate part of the fulfillment of goals. This is based on the collaboration between governments, civil societies businesses and science on a local, national and global level. * **

1. How do we perceive our responsibility in Germany and on a global level?

We can only achieve significant change by working together with other outdoor and textile manufactures and in associations with strong initiatives. Along the value chain is the demand of working closely together with material suppliers and to help them in their responsibilities.

In our branch we see ourselves as responsible to work actively as a sustainability pioneer in the implementation of environmental and social standards and to use our expertise as a multiplier effect on others.

2. How are we contributing?

In our company

In our supply chain:

  • In our supply chain we are following a multi actor approach in order to support our producers and material suppliers to do business that is ecological and socially sustainable. Examples of this are our membership in the Fair Wear and the collaboration with the German Investment and Development Company. More at: Suppliers as partners

In our society

  • As speakers, we are committed to sustainable business and the achievement of global sustainability goals in our company tours, events and conferences. 
  • At the moment we are looking at other formats in order to share our knowledge and experience externally. We are also questioning the form in which we can increasingly engage and position ourselves politically in the future.


* United Nations. General Assembly (2015): Resolution of the General Assembly, adopted on 1. September 2015. 69/315. Draft of the outcome document of the United Nations Summit on the adoption of the Post-2015 Development Act. (Status: 1. March 2017)

** The Federal Government (2021): German Sustainability Strategy. further development 2021.

A short introduction: The Agenda 2030
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The Sustainable Development Goals
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The Millenium Development Goals
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German Sustainability Strategy
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2030 SDG Watch
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How you can contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals
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