Search Report
2022 Sustainability Report
published 2023/08/01

Faux Fur

We use faux fur exclusively because no one can guarantee animal protection on fur farms.

Better safe than “genuine”

Women's Zanskar Coat

Actually, fur is a wonderful natural material. Even in the Stone Age, animal fur was used for clothing and blankets. From an objective point of view, fur is a biodegradable, renewable raw material with excellent thermal performance.

Nevertheless, we never use genuine fur; the procurement of fur is currently extremely problematic because the animals from which fur is obtained are often kept under cruel conditions on a large factory fur farms.


If at all, then it has to be faux

That is why we only use 100 % faux fur. In individual models from our Winter Collections, we have used woven fur for two reasons: the look is very popular and the large amount of air that fur captures makes it very warm.

Faux fur is made on special looms and consists of synthetic fibers such as polyester. The woven loops are mechanically roughened, creating a fluffy fabric that looks like fur.

We always check these materials very carefully to ensure that it is really artificial fur. Since we know exactly who our material suppliers are, we can select every fabric ourselves – and that goes for faux fur as well.

FFR Logo Fur Free

VAUDE is a member of the Fur Free Retailer Program

The Fur Free Retailer Program (FFRP) was launched by international animal welfare and environmental protection associations and advocates worldwide for an end to the breeding and slaughter of fur animals.

Find more information on the FFPR at:

You can find our products with faux fur at:

GRI:   102-2
Activities, brands, products, and services
GRI:   301-1
Materials used by weight or volume
GRI:   301-2
Recycled input materials used
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