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2022 Sustainability Report
published 2023/08/01

Hemp – first-class fabric with a sustainable impact

The use of hemp fibers has a long tradition in the textile industry. The first Levi Strauss jeans were made from a robust hemp fabric.

Hemp belongs to the mulberry family and is an annual plant that can grow up to 4 m high. It’s a rugged plant that requires little water, is naturally pest resistant and grows quickly.

Fiber hemp is primarily cultivated in China, but increasingly in Europe as well. Hemp needs less water than cotton for cultivation, and no fertilizers or pesticides. This makes it an environmentally friendly, renewable raw material.

In contrast to those plants grown for the production of narcotics, the hemp varieties grown for fiber use have a high fiber content rather than a high THC content. Therefore, these varieties are not suitable for the production of narcotics.

The fiber is obtained from the stem of the plant, which consists of cellulose. After the hemp plant has been cut, the stems are left in the field to ripen and dry. The bast fibers are then removed from the stem in a labor-intensive mechanical process so that they can be spun into a yarn. This yarn is finally processed into hard-wearing fabrics that are made into high-quality and durable products.


The outstanding properties are persuasive

Hemp fibers have low stretch and elasticity and therefore tend to wrinkle. However, hemp fibers are very robust and the fabrics made from them have a high tensile strength. Due to their natural structure, hemp fabrics offer excellent breathability, good moisture management and do not absorb body odor. This is why we are increasingly using fabrics with hemp fibers in our apparel collection. In our Summer 2021 Collection, you’ll find, for example, the Mineo Hemp T-Shirt for men and women. In our Summer Collection 2022, we also have models with a content that’s predominantly hemp, such as the Redmont Shorts for women and men. More information about the shorts can be found here.

VAUDE Redmont Shorts

Sometimes we also use recycled hemp, specifically for coarser fabrics. For this purpose, the waste that accumulates during the production of hemp clothing is mechanically shredded, sorted by color and spun into new yarn. This not only conserves raw resources, but also eliminates the step of dyeing the material.

In the reporting year, we offer 22 models made from hemp-based material blends in our clothing and backpack products. 

GRI:   301-1
Materials used by weight or volume
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