Search Report
2022 Sustainability Report
published 2023/08/01

Second use – as good as new. Just better for the environment.

High quality products are made to last and are also happily adopted by second owners. We work with FairWertung and eBay together – you do too?

Loved, used, donated

We want VAUDE products to be used as long as possible, with clever design, careful choice of materials and environmentally-friendly production processes.
When they're eventually really "finished", they should be recycled. This is one of the reasons that we don't use PTFE membranes. Read more here.


FairWertung: A “second life” for VAUDE products

And if your closet is overflowing? VAUDE products usually make excellent second hand goods and are gladly seen by second or third hand users as donations, gifts or used clothing sales. As users, we contribute to extending the usage phase of the product – and therefore its sustainability.

Used clothing collection with guaranteed social benefits: Fairwertung and its members are 100% non-profit.

Clothing donations – but not to black sheep

Did you know that in Germany alone every year about one million tons of used clothing is donated? Wouldn't it be great if it all ended up for social projects? Unfortunately, the used clothing market is highly competitive, and there are quite a few "black sheep" involved who are anything but non-profit. Dubious doorstep collections and illegal containers make life difficult for charitable organizations.

If you want to know how to donate responsibly, FairWertung has some good advice (in German).

FairWertung is a nationwide network of nonprofit organizations that have called for more transparency in the textile recycling sector. FairWertung has developed standards for a fair collection and marketing of used clothing.130 charities work in accordance with the guidelines of FairWertung in Germany, including church institutions, non-profit associations, as well as employment companies. Many of them operate their own thrift stores. More information at: (in German).

Your VAUDE product receives as a second life as secondhand clothing or gear. Anything that the non-profit organization can't use is sold to a textile recycling company to finance social projects.

Or send in your used clothing free of charge: simply print out the address label here (in german), pack up the items (preferably in a used box), and send them to FairWertung.

VAUDE donates to FairWertung

VAUDE also donates products to FairWertung: For example, products that can’t be repaired, but are still perfectly functional (such as when a zip on an inner pocket breaks and can’t be replaced, but the jacket is otherwise in great condition).

This adds up to several thousand products each year that are passed on at a good price by the FairWertung network through charity shops or second-hand stores. In 2021, VAUDE donated products with a merchandise value of approximately € 339,000 to FairWertung. Learn more about repair here.

Unlike other brands, we don't have a problem with used VAUDE clothing being sold in thrift stores at reduced prices. We are proud that our products can be used as long as possible and create social benefits.


Find used treasures on eBay

VAUDE supports the private resale of used products at an eBay Re-Commerce platform. If you want to be a sustainability conscious shopper, you can find used outdoor clothing and mountaineering gear at lower prices. With their purchases or sales, buyers and sellers extend the life cycle of outdoor articles and avoid having quality products that are still usable end up in a landfill.

»The VAUDE Second Use Shop on eBay is another important part of our holistic sustainability strategy. We are pleased to be able to show our commitment to the environment even beyond the eco-friendly production of our merchandise. Because the longer a product is used, the smaller its ecological footprint.«

Antje von Dewitz, CEO VAUDE

VAUDE is the first outdoor brand in Germany to create a shop for used products on eBay. Check out the new VAUDE Second Use Shop on eBay (in German).

VAUDE-Second-Use-Shop at eBay
GRI:   302-4
Reduction of energy consumption
GRI:   302-5
Reductions in energy requirements of products and services
GRI:   301-3
Reclaimed products and their packaging materials
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Gift your Gear
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VAUDE - Cooperation with Fairwertung

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