Everywhere that energy is used, GHG emissions are generated. In 2014, VAUDE generated 487.22 metric tons of CO2e gross direct GHG emissions (Scope 1); 2,493.3 tons of CO2e were generated in Scope 3. The table on this page shows how these emissions were generated. We used the following principals in our calculations.
- All greenhouse gasses (GHG) were included in our corporate carbon footprint based on the IPCC guidelines.
- There were no biogenic CO2 emissions.
- The base year for GRI reporting is 2014.
Activities at the VAUDE headquarters in Tettnang were taken into account.
- The “Greenhouse Gas Protocol” (WRI) forms the base. When assumptions had to be made, these were listed under “sources”.
- In almost every case, the source was ecoinvent 2.2 (LCA Datenbank) with GWP: 100a of IPCC (2007). The corresponding individual sources are listed in our corporate carbon footprint (Download as PDF, German).
- Consolidation approach for operational control (WRI: GHG Protocol). This means we take all operations into account which we have full control over.
Consumables includes copy paper, computers, printers and similar items